Posts Tagged ‘cheap comics’

Three Buck Books!


What better way to kick off the working week than with a pile of cheap comics? We’ve got a box of cool back issues at the Halifax store, all for three bucks apiece! Superman, X-Men, Ghostbusters, Archie, Six Million Dollar Man & Bionic Woman, Star Trek & Star Wars, and lots more!


One of the first inter-company crossovers is still one of the best, and it’s cheaper than most new comics! Killer art by Walt Simonson and Terry Austin!


Three dollars is a small price to pay to find out just what the heck is going on here.

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A couple of Frank Miller classics at affordable prices (with added Dave Gibbons to boot!).

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Star Trek? Star Wars? Pick your poison, we’ve got ’em both, and it won’t cost you much!

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Save your six million dollars and enjoy some bionic battles for cheap!